Attracting, Building, Recruiting Brilliance
The pioneering process which turns recruitment into a strategy for building outstanding qualities in candidates and delivering brilliant employees for organisations. In essence, it is a totally new way of thinking about how to recruit that gives candidates far more value, transparency and control and enables organisations to recruit higher quality people, who can contribute more quickly and create lasting value.
What is it?
A process which turns recruitment on its head and into a strategy for building outstanding qualities in candidates. In turn, it repeatedly proves itself capable of delivering brilliant employees for organisations both large and small.
The stages of the recruitment process act as modules of a training programme in building brilliance, working out what brilliant looks like for a particular job and looking at how good (or not) the fit is for each candidate with the role on offer.
How it works
The programme enables people to reflect more deeply on themselves, how the world works and the contribution they want to make; creating real transformation in both their perspectives and their prospects. For example, one of the values we explore with candidates is generosity, and how by people bringing themselves to any situation or relationship with a mindset of, ‘What can I give?’ rather than, ‘What can I get?’ they can create much more for themselves, their organisation and the world.
In this way, the programme is designed to leave candidates in a better place than when they started, however far through the process they choose to go. This allows the possibility for people to learn and grow through the process, enabling real talent to shine as compared to a conventional process where someone might be excluded based on what’s on, (or missing from), their C.V.
Rather than being part of a cycle of rejection, which can lead to a lower sense of self-worth and consequent demotivation, candidates leave the process with a clearer sense of what they have to offer and a better understanding of what a business requires from an employee.
The employer gets to hire people who are ‘brilliant’ and have a better fit with and understanding of their organisation and the role on offer. Additionally, some of what might be covered in induction training has already been done before the candidate has even joined; representing real cost savings. Other benefits to the employer include better acceptance rate of offers, higher quality hires, better retention and a stronger employer brand. This approach also has a positive, wider impact on society by supporting anyone who comes through the process in creating extraordinary value with integrity in their life and work whatever they go on to do.
In essence, this is a totally new way of thinking about how to recruit that gives candidates far more value, transparency and control when compared to a traditional recruitment process, and delivers to organisations higher quality people who can contribute more quickly and create lasting value.
Crucially, this is delivered at no extra cost than a conventional recruitment process. This is achieved through working with the candidate rather than against them, to mutually explore whether the role on offer is right for them in conditions that are truly supportive of their well-being.
Note: The term 'unRecruitment' was coined by Rajeeb Dey when he spoke on it at Davos 2013.