Testimonials, lots of testimonials....
TB - "I have been struggling for the past three years and everything seems hopeless. After three days of joining the programme, a little bit of everything has changed, or shall I say, transformed into a new perspective. What I have learned here is more than what I have learned about myself over the last 21 years; and that is amazing."
DG - "Having only spent a few days on this training program I am amazed at how quickly my mind set has changed, I find myself approaching situations differently than I had done before and questioning decisions before I make them not only for the effect it may have on myself but more importantly the effect it could have on others."
FB - "I am amazed at how much I have learnt in such a short space of time. I see changes in myself including being able to let others see more of my true personality. The training has given me the time and space to really zone in on aspects of my life I had never before been brave enough to tackle or didn’t know how to change. I am realising I have the ability to find solutions to my own questions and feel lucky to be part of the programme."
SS - "It's awoken a new level of awareness which I've never experienced before and which I thought I could never have. As ridiculous as it may sound, I feel as though I have experienced a kind of enlightenment at such an early stage of the process, that has shaken my beliefs and shattered every perception I've ever had of myself that I have thought to be true and real."
RW - "An engaging and thought-provoking graduate recruitment process. I have been challenged in a few short days more than I have been in such a long time and with this process I have learnt a lot about who I am and how I interact with the world around me. "
UH - "I genuinely thought that these sort of training sessions would not work on me, however I have been genuinely surprised that I can already feel the effects of the sessions after only a few days."
JH - "I really do feel that it's an experience everyone should get to go though at some point in their life time, ideally as early in their career/educational paths, as possible. I find myself questioning everything I do, not negatively, but with how I can improve what it is I'm doing."
NG - "From the very first moment of each session you feel intrigued and challenged. In every exercise you have to look into yourself, trying to realize how do you think, feel and react."
OG - "This programme definitely opens up aspects of your personality that you don't realise you have or strengthens others. I really enjoyed sharing personal thoughts and feelings to people I haven't known for long and without judgment. This programme is definitely liberating and boosts your self-confidence no end while balancing that with constructive criticism."
TM - "This training program has been a thought provoking and enlightening experience. I definitely came in with the prospect of learning what I could take with me beyond this program but I was surprised by the uniqueness of the approach that was adopted in this process. There was guidance available but at every step we were encouraged to find solutions or answers by questioning ourselves and/or seeking the help of our fellow trainees."
MMB - "It has been one of the most interesting and fulfilling experiences I’ve had. I have been encouraged to admit to the things that have happened in my life and how they have shaped my attitudes, whilst being able to let go of them."
AM - "So far, in the short amount of time that we have actually been involved in the programme, so much has been unearthed. More than any individual could possibly have dreamt of doing themselves. The Spring Project allows participants' minds to be opened and explored in ways which may not have been considered before. For recent graduates, especially, it provides a fresh insight into how people perceive themselves as opposed to what they actually are. An honest and massively productive, self-defining experience, recommended, and beneficial, to people of all backgrounds."
NP - "This programme has been quite a surprise so far with thought provoking exercises and discussions. I have engaged with myself and with other participants on quite a profound level, in a short space of time. The sessions have allowed me to grow in confidence and have given me insight into thought processes which I can utilise to reveal the nature of problems or issues I may be struggling with and thus a way to overcome them."
JS - "After a year trying to decide how to use my degree, this has really helped me focus on my key skills and where I want to move forward."
MMC - "The recruitment process has so far been very rewarding and refreshing. The training allows candidates to take something from the experience regardless of the outcome. The skills gained are extremely transferable in such a highly competitive job market. The approach allows participants to better realise and focus on areas of personal development in group training activities that are carried out in an open, honest and unique manor. "
JS- "I have so far found the training programme a really engaging experience helping to inspire change ."
NC - "Got to meet people, had a good time, something I will always remember and I want to be more focused in life from this point onwards. "
SI - "The Sping Project is a very valuable organisation helping students to excel in their talents and aspirations. You'll meet new people; There is nothing to lose; It will help you with future opportunities."
SL - "It was amazing working with the people and I have so much. I really liked it!"
MP - "This is a place with creativity and new dimension to see the world and make your life THE LIFE. They have interesting methods to hire by knowing the people personally by various activities. The interviewing procedure might not be easy to be adopted by other companies, but everybody should do it. Nice experience talking to people from Realworld/Push."
CP - "I always think that innovative thinking and thinking out of the box is good; why always follow the traditional methods, even though you don't feel comfortable? After coming here I had an experience of an organisation for thinking out of the box. I always read of SEMCO, Brazil, Google, Youtube; how their work environment is different and informal. I experienced it and I feel this could be the place where I belong to. But one more, I'm not open and expressive, once I get to know people I'll be okay."
SL - "Come to the training. You will learn a lot."
Sha - "Very good training, more advice on how to choose your path. It will be a stepping stone in your career. It is very structured. It is very helpful in future career. I got more confidence in presentation and group discussion thanks to The Spring Project."
D - "A different perspective on how to interact with different people and situations. I've learned new ways on how to deliver a training course. It's going to be a useful and fun experience. You will use what you've learned in your everyday life."
MB - "I have gained a new prospective to take every opportunity as it comes and make the most of it. Great experience that opens your eyes to your potential."
NR - "I have gained a lot of confidence in myself; feeling clearer about my goals. I know now how to be concentrated on what I really want to do."
CD - "I have gained more confidence being in a group setting and I have also learned how to work closely in a team; being able to trust each team member. I would say come prepared to participate in something different. Be open-minded and happy. Gain confidence; meet new people; learn things about yourself and others; and also to have fun in a good way."
D - "Ive managed to gain a better understanding of the lessons learnt from previous training & how far I have come since then. I would advise students to realise that there is still lots to learn after graduating. To honestly ask yourself where your skills truly lie & discover skills you never realised you had."
P - "The training teaches you about self-evaluation; ego control; feelings towards others; listening to others; commitment to the people who need help; spreading wisdom about respect, spirit, and connection to everything else that is around you."